Panduan Tes Fisik Olahraga

by Hicaltech 87



In this application there are 15 kinds of guides on how to do a physical exercise test to measure several components of physical condition such as cardiovascular endurance, flexibility, strength, muscle endurance, balance, power, and agility.Application Development Team BiographyAndroid App Developer & Content EditingHaikal Millah, M.Pd. Founder of Hicaltech87 [Android Sport App Division]. Lecturer in the Department of Physical Education, Siliwangi University, Tasikmalaya, West Java, Indonesia.Content ContributorDicky Tri Juniar, M.Pd., Lecturer in the Department of Physical Education, Siliwangi University, Tasikmalaya, West Java, Indonesia. Field of Specialization: Sports Tests and Measurements, Physical Education Statistics, Physical Education Pedagogy, Taekwondo.